Purse Boutique
I recently discovered this online handbag store Purse Boutique. Perhaps you fashionistas all know about this one. I don't know why I didn't find it earlier 'cause I absolutely love their bags! You can find tons of designer-inspired handbags at fantastic prices. And many (especially the big ones) look high-quality and sturdy, which is very important to me. We certainly don't want to tote around a cheap-looking bag, even if we can't afford crazy expensive designer bags *sigh, I'm still waiting for an invite to a Prada sample sale*.
There are so many I want to get. It's really hard to pick and choose. Beige Double Ring ''Trista'' Purses $29.95. I really like the braided shoulder straps, just the right amount of details added to a simple creamy smooth looking tote.
Blackened Brown ''Eva'' Alligator Purses $34.95. Love this rich-looking alligator effect on this bag. You'd look like one of those society ladies who luncheons (hehe :).
Red Oversized Kelly Bags $39.95. For those of us who can't afford the real Kelly bag, this is a good alternative. Unfortunately this red one is out of stock. Darnit. They still have it in black and brown, both are cute, but of course the red one was the cutest. Hopefully they'll re-stock it soon.
Beige ''Bauletto'' Weekender Travel Bag $39.95. It's a great travel bag, with the dimension of 9" height, 15" length, 6.5" width, you can put a lot of your travel essentials in there.
1 comment:
I agree, I love bags and why spend hundreds of dollars on a bag that might be out of style by next week.
Spend money on classic styles and save money on trendy bags.
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