Friday, July 27, 2007

Bangs anyone?

I was reading this article Bangs Return, and With Them, Naysayers and Chopaholics in NY Times. It really made me laugh. "Few hairstyles are as packed with emotional triggers as the bluntly cut bangs that have been cropping up on runways and in salons. They can bring back childhood memories and raise deep-seated feelings of longing (for the look) and loathing (for anyone who can pull it off). Some see them as cute and playful. Others think they’re anything but, especially on those over 30.

“To me, they scream: ‘I’m cooler than you, I have a lot of sex, and if you leave your husband with me I’ll devour him,’ ” said Meredith Hays, a literary agent in Manhattan with an unbanged brow. But Ms. Hays said she quickly becomes more rational: “It’s maybe more a cry for help, like ‘I’m getting older and so I’ll give myself a youngish haircut to compensate.’ ”

Who knew bangs provoked such strong emotions. I really love Rihanna's bangs. I haven't sported a full-on bangs like hers since I was five. In the last several years, I've stuck with the easy-to-wear side-swept kind. But more than once I really really wanted to get the full-on bangs after seeing it on a pop star or a good friend. Really makes me jealous too. But I know my own hair. It's not suitable for such dramatic change. It's too hard and coarse and thick to look soft and "fluffy" like Rihanna's. Le Sigh.

What's your experience with bangs? I'd love to hear about good and bad stories!!


Anonymous said...

I had side swept bangs too until recently. My hairstylist was away, and the owner of the salon said "I'm giving you bangs" (haven't had them in years) I thought, why not? I didn't realize it was a recent trend. Well, guess what? Bangs rock! Mine aren't as thick as Rihanna's, but they really do make me feel sexier. Just because I'm in my 30's doesn't mean I'm trying to look younger than my age, and what's wrong with trying to look your best and enjoying your beauty in every decade? So, going back to bangs wasn't my idea, but I'm loving it right now! And if other women are 'threatened' by bangs, which I think is just silly, well I think they have bigger issues to deal with!

Moi said...

Wow that's great! Guess the hair stylist really knows hair! And I absolutely agree with you, bangs aren't exclusively for teenagers. If you look and feel great with bangs, why not?

TheRealCherish said...

I have a bob, much like Rihanna's pre-bang look, but I can't do the bangs! Toooo scary... so here's the story... when I was in 8th grade I was at my best friend's house getting ready for a party. My bangs were way too long so i wanted to cut them but the only scissors I could find were safety scissors. So i used them. Of course, my thick hair never cut even across and after repeated attempts to have some resemblance of a straight line I was left with 1/2" to 1" of hair across the front of my forehead in the shape of a "wave". That was the end of bangs in my life!!!